Monday, July 2, 2012

Latin Books

Here are links and descriptions to help you find the correct texts.  While we all love used books, please DO NOT buy older editions of the Ecce Romani books.  They are substantially different.  Older editions of Lingua Latina are just fine for our classes.

Ecce 1

Ecce Romani IA, 4th ed. paperback text only-$28.47 isbn10: 0133610926
OR purchase 1A and B combined in hardback-price: $66.47 isbn10: 0133610896

Language Activity book price: $13.97 isbn10: 0133611191

Audio CDs-optional -price: $39.47 isbn10: 0133611094
Teacher's Manual-(optional for parents) price: $55.47 isbn10: 0133610942

Ecce 2
Ecce Romani IB, 4th ed paperback text only-price: $28.47 isbn10: 0133610934
Language Activity book (this is the same text as used for Ecce 1, listed above)
The Audio CDs and Teacher's Manual also cover the two year program, Ecce 1A and 1B

Pearson School (Ecce Romani publisher), but some (the Ecce 1A and Language Activity book) be ordered from Amazon as well.

Lingua Latina
Please see the Amazon links on the blog side bar the links to the textbook, workbook, and a Latin dictionary.

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